Thursday, 29 November 2012


Have just come back from an amazing trip in London which has completely re-inpsired me on this course!!!!!!
Two days were spent in the V&A gathering research for my Major Project (which includes possibly everything that can be found in the V&A), as well as viewing the two exhibitions; Ballgowns and Hollywood costume. The Hollywood costume was fantastic as it described techniques, ideas etc of how the costume for the chosen characters came to be created. The Ballgowns were simply beautiful!!!
Wicked was a brilliant production; the costumes and set were fantastic for the story and the actors presented the characters effortlessly and sang their hearts out for a brilliant performance!!!!!!
But nothing could be better than The Lion King!!! the backstage door was great and seeing the costumes close up and how they all worked made me appreciate the performers so much for the weight of the costumes; but of course the show it self was breathtaking. Loved every moment of it and by being so close to the stage in the stalls I receieved the full impact of the performance.
All this plus great (gluten-free) food and people made London a fantastic trip.

Friday, 26 October 2012


Hello! As you may be able to tell (if you have checked out my blog before) that I have re-jigged a few things and have taken away and added new photos. Only half way through the changes as of yet as I will be adding photos of coursework that I finished off at the end of my second year of university :) 

Have almost completed my first project and will be putting up some of my design work to have a nosey at but nothing will be made in this project.......saving it all for the big one!!!

Enjoy :) 


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Very Long Time!!!!

Has been a while but back for my final year at CCAD Hartlepool! Scary times but it will be good!!!!!!

This year its all our own ideas; and to start of the year I will be doing a more textile project researching embellsihing and other techniques to design costumes from the Indian tale Tapati and Samvarana!  I chose India because I love the patterns and colours widely used in Bollywood and Wedding garments initially but I am enjoying researching other forms of cloth and traditional dances and plays...........will try and keep you more updated! For now this image links in to the story to me :)

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The end is near!

I havn't updated in a while but nearly done with the final projects of the year!

In costume we are doing millinery and i am having so much fun making the fascinators! I am also making a headpiece to go alongside my previous Shakespeare project so an image of that will be up shortly! I also wanted to make a cloche hat however the felt did not come in time for this project, but as i do have I will be making it over the next few weeks while I still have access to the printing blocks at Uni.

In set we are designing and making scale models of carnival floats; I chose to make one representing the Venetian Carnival as I love Venice and it is one of my dreams to be able to visit the city during carnival....cue saving up lots of money!

Images will be up soon as well as hopefully a few more personal projects during the summer holidays :)


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Final Costume

Finally finished my costume project (well, a few weeks ago but I have only just posted) and I am pleased to say I recieved a first for this project.  Hope you enjoy the images from the photoshoot!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Oh My

Coming to the end of costume project now, therefore pictures will be up in about two weeks of my final creations!
The set is coming along very nicely, we have at least half painted and ready to scumble and add finishing touches:

Our tutor plans to remove it from the stage and into our studio.....which means we will loose our desks for 3 weeks! :o we are trying to cinvince him not to and are hopefully succeeding a little.....

Anyway, more updates later :)

Happy Blogging!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Been a while!

Its been a while since I lasted posted on my blog so i thought I would do a few updates:

Set: Started construction of the set for 'Is there Anybody There?' and got quite a lot done as a team today :)

Costume: A bit slow in costume, starting to make half of one final costume this week and fitting the male constume tomorrow and hopefully not much needs changing!

And today experimenting on photoshop for my visual research sketchbook I used a photo I took while in Sydney last June and edited to look like this: 

Will try and update more often but for now enjoy this photo :)